ChatKit is a library designed to simplify the development of UI for such a trivial task as
chat. It has flexible possibilities for styling, customizing and data management.
*Already styled ready-to-use solution for quick implementation;
*Default and custom media messages;
*Fully customizable layouts - setting styles out of the box (use your own colors, text appearances, drawables, selectors and sizes) or even create your own custom markup or/and holders for unique behaviour;
*List of dialogs, including tete-a-tete and group chats, markers for unread messages and last user message view;
*List of messages (incoming and outcoming) with history pagination and already calculated dates headers;
*Different avatars with no specific realization of image loading - you can use any library you want;
*Selection mode for interacting with messages;
*Links highlighting
*Easy dates formatting;
*Your own models for dialogs and messages - there is no converting needed;
*Ready to use message input view;
*Custom animations (according to RecyclerView usage).